In all my working life, I think yesterday was the MOST stressful work day ever.


These days my mornings are a bit of a blur: Constantly snooze alarm clock, get out of bed, rushed shower, leave home 2-3 minutes late, push to make it to work within the 5/10 minute grace period.
Most days, it’s the same routine. The days I don’t go into work aren’t much better either. Before no time, Monday has merged into Friday and I’m living for a short-lived weekend.

I have to say, in all my working life, I think yesterday was the MOST stressful work day EVER. I literally worked a double shift because so much needed doing and no, not for extra pay.

Anyway, clearly I don’t do well with stress. I do so badly with stress, I’m currently typing at 4am because I can’t sleep.

After an hour and a half on Instagram, and a second journal entry, I decided to review my goals.

A little insight: I’m one of those magnificent people who holds on to tradition (unless they prove ungodly). Every year, I still write goals and plans (‘resolutions’ as we called them). My list mostly consists of things I’d like to work on internally or plans I hope to carry out before the year ends ie career plans, lifestyle choices, etc. And what better time is there to review my list than 2 months before the end of the year.

With only 2 months to go, it is very easy to put off whatever plans had been set for this year, once again shoving them into the new year. It is extremely tempting to put off the dream of learning a new language, having a healthier lifestyle and scheduling a new routine for bible study and intercession.

“Teach us to keep account of our days so we may develop inner wisdom.”
– Psalm 90, Verse 12

Often we hear phrases like “there’s no time like the present”. Although some sayings, like this one, deserve to be taken with a pinch of salt, when it comes to PROCRASTINATION (yeah, I said it), there really is no time like now!

The extract above is a quote from a Psalm where David is requesting the Lord to show us favour. In this line, David is praying for the LORD to teach us how to use each moment of every day in a way that is beneficial to us and is pleasing to God.

With 2 months to go, I believe it is not too late to pick back up whatever it is you dropped in the first quarter (or even first week) of the year. With exactly 70 days left, there is still time to achieve whatever it is that you set out to do before the end of the year. But, please understand, there really is no time like the present.

So be encouraged. Do what it is that you have been contemplating. Make 2016 count for something new. There really is no moment like right now, so the time to start is now.






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